


China has 39 institutions ranked in the QS World University Rankings® 2018, including six new entries, and substantially more of the country’s universities are included in the QS Asia University Rankings 2018.
Whether you intend to secure a graduate job or continue studying at postgraduate level, the reputation of your university is important for your future prospects.
Chinese universities are increasingly well respected; the number included in major global university rankings has risen significantly over the past five years, particularly compared with the UK, which has fallen in many rankings.
Financial support is an important factor in the decision to study abroad and the Chinese government is offering a wide range of funding opportunities to attract international students, including more than 40,000 scholarships at 277 institutions. Studying in China gives you experience about how things work in this part of the world and helps you to become more independent.”


Ukraine is the second largest country in Europe surrounded by Belarus, Russia, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Moldova and Poland. Ukraine has a well-developed economy with considerable portions of agricultural and industrial sectors. Space and rocket engineering, aircraft and ship building, high tech equipment production are among the main branches of the Ukrainian industry.
Ukraine is known for its rich culture and history with amazing architectural sites and a landscape ideal for trekking. You will receive a real high-quality education supported by the fact that Ukraine actually produces the fourth largest number of post-secondary graduates in Europe.
Combining your education with an adventure of a life time, Ukraine will give you the experience to remember for a life time; don’t forget that Ukrainians are known to be hospitable and friendly.


Canada’s high academic standards and rigorous quality controls mean that you’ll be earning a high-quality education that will open doors for your future and benefit your career over the long term. A Canadian degree, diploma or certificate is globally recognized as being equivalent to those obtained from the United States or Commonwealth countries.
The quality of education and living standards in Canada are amongst the highest in the world, but the cost of living and tuition fees for international students are generally lower than in other countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom. As such, Canada is often the preferred choice for students attending college or university.
With almost all of the world’s ethnic groups represented in Canada, it’s hard not to find ethnic foods and recreation activities associated with specific cultures. In fact, N&DTravel and Tour can help you get in touch with any number of ethnic clubs and associations for you to join while you’re there.


The universities in France offer students the chance to attend their institutions, on a full and part time basis, with a number of class schedules and courses available. These courses will all vary by the college, as well the times that you can attend. However, it is quite easy to find something that accommodates your schedule and allows you to go to university in your own time.
It is a French tradition to welcome foreign students from all across the world. Since the Middle Ages, and the birth of La Sorbonne, the first French University, which occurred more than 800 years ago, students from all across Europe have come to France to study, especially in the areas of theology, medicine and law.
There are certainly myriad reasons why attending a college in France is appealing to those from around the world. These include the lowest tuition costs, the chance to explore this amazing country and the benefit of receiving some of the most prestigious education and training from top instructors, but you can be certain that the benefits extend far beyond those that are listed above. No matter who you are or what you want to learn, attending a university in France is one of the best decisions that you will ever make in your entire life.


US education is recognized all over the world. 30 of the top 100 best world universities are located in the US, as ranked by Quacquarelli Symonds World University Rankings for 2015/2016. One of the reasons students at US universities are so successful upon graduation is because they were educated in the “liberal arts”. This means a focus, not just on a specific major, but on other subjects such as various maths and sciences, philosophy, history, and literature.
International students in the US can work in a job on campus up to 20 hours a week. Most find that their time is better spent taking internships, or Curricular Practical Training, which allows students to work for university credit in a job in a related field. Nearly every university, even those not located in big cities, has employees dedicated to helping students secure internships.
The US has welcomed millions of international students. Knows what they need and has the support network in place to make you feel as welcome as possible.


German universities offer excellent teaching and research, ranking among the best in the world. You will earn an internationally renowned degree, giving you excellent prospects on the global labour market.

In comparison with other countries, Germany is a safe country. In town or in the countryside, by day or by night, you can move around freely here. Germany offers economic and political stability, which makes it an ideal place for you to study.
Compared to other European countries, the cost of living in Germany is quite reasonable. You will need around 800 euros a month to cover your living expenses.


Degrees and qualifications from UK higher education institutions are known around the world as high quality and world class. This standard of excellence is set by some of the older universities with recognizable names, such as Oxford and Cambridge, but the tradition carries through to many of the universities and colleges throughout the UK. When looking for work in the future, this can be a great selling point in your favor.
An international student in the UK is typically allowed to work up to 20 hours a week during school term, and up to full-time when school is out of term. The UK is known for its multicultural society, with all religions and faiths represented in some way. With a racial, ethnic and religious jumble, the UK is very open to new traditions and cultures - something that is a great thing for students from other countries.


Education in Denmark is compulsory (Danish: undervisningspligt) for children below the age of 15 or 16, even though it is not compulsory to attend Folkeskole ("public school"). The school years up to the age of fifteen/sixteen are known as Folkeskole, since any education has to match the level offered there. About 82% of young people take further education in addition to this.[1] Government-funded education is usually free of charge and open to all. Denmark has a tradition of private schools and about 15.6% of all children at basic school level attend private schools, which are supported by a voucher system.